The #1 Discovery That Took An Introvert From 2 Clients Per Month To 2-4 Clients Per Week…And A Crystal Clear “Paint By Numbers” Action Plan To Get You There This Month!


IMPORTANT: Click here now to register for Friday’s call where Kevin will reveal:

  • The specifics on his HOT Facebook Prospecting method that gets Kevin a client every single week. This is PERFECT for anyone who’s just starting out and wants to create quick cashflow.

  • How Kevin gets FREE marketing interns. There wasn’t enough time to cover that on the webinar…so Kevin will go into more detail on this incredible money and time-saving method!

  • Plus, hear from one of your peers. Doug Starks has figured out an ingenious method to make even more money with SASS…and how you can scale your business with just ONE client!

When You Watch This Important Replay Now You’ll Discover:

  • The simple “glaring & obvious” change that transformed Kevin Wilke’s business.

    As an introvert, he used to struggle to make 2 sales a month. Now he averages 2 new clients a week (and some weeks 3 or 4 new clients) at $1,000/mo!

  • How to completely remove yourself from the sales process.

    Imagine going on vacation and your business continues to grow!

  • Why this ONE person is the first one you should hire…and how to do it completely risk-free. WARNING: it isn’t who you think.

    Kevin will also show you how to hire someone for free. As in…they work, you pay nothing.

  • How to never cold call again…while quadrupling your results.


And Finally…

  • Why your dreams of $10k/mo are too small…and how to achieve – and TRIPLE them in 6 months from now.


Kevin Shared His #1 Client-Closing Discovery.
Here’s what happened . . .



48 hours later. . .from Kevin Wilke: “Wow, Chuck has moved his people through the 2nd stage of the funnel and ended up with 7 people to interview next week!!


What people are saying:

  • Kevin Wilke is a great guy and thought leader – Eric

  • Kevin was great and a true pioneer of the offline world. – Michael Denson

  • Kevin nailed it in terms of “The One Thing” that we as agency owners need to be focused on – getting appointments with qualified prospects on our calendar every day! – Gary Gil

  • He has the system down. Well worth putting in place as a real growth system. – Daniel Wright

  • This solves the problem of being awesome at selling other people’s services and products and suck at selling your own! 😉 – Celeste Bonnet

  • There’s hope for introverts. It’s possible to succeed. – James Turner

  • This is a helpful strategy for introverts. I appreciate Kevin’s honesty and openness. – Trevor Clark

  • An introvert can be successful in sales. Having an appointment setter or this system in particular, would be a huge plus for any agency – Scott Seales

  • The end to end of finding appointment setters to actual sales closers to building a team in systematic way. I want to start right away. – DelRoy

  • An efficient method to get appointments with clients. – Brent Marking

  • Kevin is so detail-oriented and is confident in his system. I could totally do this. – Chip Paschal

  • He breaks down the process as to how to get appointment setters. – Butler W. Lewis

  • Great training and Kevin clearly knows exactly what most small agencies are missing! -Jarvis

  • Very innovative, and highly adaptable. Look forward to trying it. – Gary McDonald

  • It’s a proven sales and marketing system. Hire a rock star appointment setter. Huge difference! – Don Waudby

  • Being able to hire a good appointment setter is a game changer. A great idea to create a hiring funnel! – David Sukert

  • Kevin has (1) a genuine concern and love for other marketers, and (2) he has a keen focus on analysis, which is rarely matched in the industry. This SASS really hits the mark: the missing link. – Cal Hill

  • Kevin nailed it in terms of “The One Thing” that we as agency owners need to be focused on – getting appointments with qualified prospects on our calendar every day! – Gary Gil

  • A proven paint by numbers system, It’s as done for you as go mobile solutions products so it’s a great fit. He replaced himself from the sales process. – Dave Oakley

  • It gave me a better approach to finding the help I need in the area of setting appointments and sales. It freed me to dump a lot the shiny object approaches I’ve looked into in trying to get some deals. It also gives me a powerful focus and helps me see that I can build an effective sales system. – James Hardee

  • Solid information. You need to automate the process of finding good people to set appointments – Brian Devine

  • Kevin’s training is unique. It’s durable and the process can definitely expand any agency and build revenue. – Butler W. Lewis

  • It is a system to help me create an agency that I can manage, with the staffing needed to fulfill. A way to grow & scale to the point I desire! Terrific offer for SASS! I need help – and Kevin can show me how to get qualified appt setters! – Michele Kincaid

  • I’ve been trying to set things up this way for a while. I’ve always thought it was a no brainer. Nice to see someone figured it out. The difference between searching for “appointment setters” and “sales development representatives”…that was different. I haven’t heard that before. Great info. – J. Gatlin

  • It’s as done for you as go mobile solutions products so it’s a great fit. – anon

  • He developed a great system by doing the process. I need this system. – Michael Denson

  • Kevin Wilke is an awesome mentor and has solved the biggest challenges for newbies. – Joe Martinez

  • Kevin’s sincerity in helping others really came through in his presentation. His offering is unique and powerful. – Jim McCabe

  • Kevin Wilke is the master of creating a fantastic business system that will work to automate of locating and hiring the best talent to develop greater and greater sales appointments. – Jim Rice

  • Kevin Wilke is amazing. His down to earth style is refreshing. His system is a must have for any agency!!! – Scott Seales

  • Systems get things done! – Tabitha Naylor

  • Simple and straightforward. – Robert Cmiel