Countdown To Mobilegeddon

Turn Up Your Speakers And Watch This AWESOME
Webinar Replay Before It Comes Down…

GoMobile Community Feedback On Mobilegeddon:

    You know it’s an excellent presentation when
    you come away with a ton of value and a workable action plan…

    Awesome as always and I’ve
    landed all my clients with the help of the tools you have provided. Brett G.


    My compliments and gratitude to the Go-Mobile
    Team! To Damien Great Job as always! Very well done and your passion definitely
    continues to shine! Keep Rockin !!!! Frank C


    Jerry and Damien deserve innumerable kudos
    for their time, patience, commitment and vision..

    Great training over the past few weeks! – Raymond J


We Asked Webinar Attendees….

…… What Did You Enjoy Or Value Most About The Mobilededdon

    – The fact that you did not just simply give a new strategy, but a method of obtaining new customers along with fulfillment as well. Dennis C.

    – The overall information and action plan

    – Timely, effective

    – Your energy was awesome, and the information was pretty darn good as well. I have several Mobile tools already and have built several Mobile friendly WP and Optimized sites in the past. I want to see how your product complements or blows away what I have been doing.

    – The endless possibilities

    – Just the encouragement alone was worth the time.

    – Strategy for pricing and selling

    – I now have a game plan

    – You always bring awesome content and products and I learn a lot on your webinars.

    – Learning new things.

    – A complete package, really nice.

    – The ideas of how 2 get the leads and then approach them

    – Learning about new opportunities to make offers and then revenue.

    – Success examples, case studies

    – Informative and inspiring

    – Point to point solution

    – Good info

    – Important topics

    – The potential offered through action.

    – Done For You Websites for ONLY $97 WOW!

    – Mobile sites done for you &SEO

    – The opportunity ahead of us

    – Some good ideas

    – Enlightenment about the impact of Google changes.

    – Everything

    – The valuable info

    – Sales tips

    – The done for you stuff.

    – Pricing discussion

    – Offering value

    – The way you frame Google’s changes to potential clients

    – The training was great.

    – You gave value without being pushy with sales

    – The simple strategy to go out and get clients

    – The mobile responsive sites.

    – When Damien talks / presents! Damien is  enthusiastic and hits the best selling points hard.

    – It got me more excited about the opportunity

    – The completed package.. all done for you!

    – Information on marketing.

    – Very informative with good content.

    – The done for you sites. I HATE dealing with websites myself

    – Well presented.

    – Concept and lead /email automator

    – New data that I did not know

    – Always great info.

    – Actionable content

    – Information about contacting leads


We Asked Webinar Attendees….

….. How Many Web Sites Have You Sold Over The Past 2 Weeks Since GoMobile Reported Google’s Plan:

Over $107,101 In Sales Reported So Far From Just A Small Sampling Of GoMobile Resellers Who Took A Survey…

           Only 1 with no sales effort; starting big campaign today (via email blast to targeted list across the country) – Katy

            5 at $500 each! Brian A 

            2 at $500 each… Daiga K. from Latvia

            2 at $497 each… Cindy B.

           1 at E650 Vicky S from England

           Just sold one for $497 – Unknown

           3 mobile landing pages @ $500 each – 2 website rebuilds: 1 for $1500, the other for $2000. – I have quotes out for 2 more rebuilds @ about $3500 each. Suzette D.

           3 for $400 each – Terry P

           5 sites at $500 each – Jas V

           10 and between $349-$449 upfront – Unknown

           3 at £199 – Gareth J 

           I sold 3 – Brian C

           1 at $400 – Wes

           1 for $150 Richard P 

           1 at $1200 – Jackie K

           Just one so far and $1,000 – Nick T

           Two at $497.00 – Eric H 

           20+ – £99-£199 – Andy B

           One at $457 – Unknown

           4 ~$150 to $450 Rob J

           1 for $497 Rick W

           4 so far at $750 – $2500 Chris F

           2 at $399.00 (and $25.00 monthly Dean D

           1/$700 Glenn H

           I have sold over 10 mobile websites, 5 mobile apps and multiple websites including monthly marketing services above $500 – Brett G

           1 client sold him a regular site and upsold him to a mobile site for $1,000 -Frank C

           1 in the pipeline, probably $300 Unknown

           24 @ $2,500 – $5,000 Thomas D

           1 at $2,500 Jerry E

           3 sales ranging from 300 – 800 to existing clients that needed their existing websites made mobile friendly. Sherry S

           Two. $497.00 Eric H

           Just one so far and $1,000 Nick T

           1 $400 Waldir O

           1 at 150 Richard P

           1 – 1200 Jackie K

           Only 1 with no sales effort; – $550 Katy F

           5 at $500  Brian A

           2 for 500 Kalni D

           2 $497 ea Cindy B

           Just sold one – $497 Unknown

           3 mobile landing pages @ $500 each (but I think I’m going to upgrade them to full mobile sites, and use your service to build them). Suzette D

           2 website rebuilds: 1 for $1500, the other for $2000. – I have quotes out for 2 more rebuilds @ about $3500 each.

           3 for $400 each Terry P

           10 and between $349-$449 upfront Unknown

           3 at £199 Gareth J